Milwaukee 48-20-7497 Installation Kit for Concrete Screws
Screw installation kit to drill and drive Tapcon screws with only a SDS rotary hammer. This kit contains all you need to install common flat head and hex head concrete screws. Designed specifically for Tapcon screw applications. Built to take impact resistance and transfers energy directly to the bit tip. The rebar chamfers increase tip strength and reduce wear. Exact spot drilling with the centering tip to improve accuracy. The kit includes a 1/4 in Hex drive bit, 3/16 x 7 in with 1/4 in hex rotary hammer drill bit, 5/16 in Hex drive bit, 5/32 x 7 in W 1/4 in hex rotary hammer drill bit, drive sleeve, #2 Phillips driver bit, #3 Phillips driver bit and a handy case.